Words and Expressions:
1. decision :n. an authoritative determination (as a decree or judgment) made after consideration of facts or law 裁决,判决
2. precedent :n. a judicial decision that should be followed by a judge when deciding
a later similar case 先例
3. ruling :n. an official or authoritative determination, decree, statement, or interpretation (as by a judge on a question of law) 裁定、裁决
4. overrule:vt. to rule against upon review by virtue of a higher authority 推翻
5.private law :a branch of law concerned with private persons, property, and relationships 私法
6.legislature:n. a body of persons having the authority to make laws for a political unit (as a nation or state) 立法机关
7.constitutional law:n. a body of statutory and case law that is based on, concerns, or interprets a constitution 宪法性法律
8. statute:n. a law enacted by the legislative branch of a government 制定法,成文法
9.assemble:vt. to bring or summon together into a group esp. in a particular place for a particular purpose 编纂
10.code:n. a systematic compilation or revision of law or legal principles that is arranged esp. by subject 法典
11. case law:n. law established by judicial decisions in cases as distinguished from law created by legislation-called also decision law 判例法
12.Supreme Court :n. the highest courts in the judicial branch of the U.S. government th
at has original jurisdiction over controversies involving ambassadors or other ministers or consuls but whose main activity is as the court of last resort exercising appellate jurisdiction over cases involving federal law 最高法院
13.amend :vt. to alter esp. in the wording; esp: to alter formally by modification, deletion, or addition 修改,修订
14.amendment 修正案
15.malfeasance:n. the commission (as by a public official) of a wrongful or unlawful act involving or affecting the per formance of one’s duties 渎职行为(罪)16.impeach :vt. to charge with a crime or misconduct; specif: to charge (a public official) before a competent tribunal (as the U.S. Senate) with misconduct in office 弹劾
17. doctrine of constitutional supremacy 宪法至上原则
18.treason :n. the offence of attempting to overthrow the government of one’s country or of assisting its enemies in war 叛国罪
19.misdemeanor:n. a crime that carries a less severe punishment than a felony; specif: a crime punishable by a fine and by a term of imprisonment not to be served in
depositiona penitentiary and not to exceed one year 轻罪
20.bill :n. a draft of a law presented to a legislature for enactment 议案,法案
21.constitutionality :n. the quality or state of being constitutional; esp: conformity with the provisions of a constitution 合宪性
22.delegate:vt. to empower a body (as an administrative agency) to perform (a governmental function) 授权,委托
23 .choice of law :n. an issue in conflicts of law as to what law (as among laws of different states or multiple federal laws) should be applied in a case 法律选择
24.at issue ( also in issue): under discussion or in dispute 有争议的
25.forum :n. court 法院
26.trial court:n. the court before which issues of fact and law are tried and first determined as distinguished from an appellate court 初审法院,审判法院
27.appellate :adj. of or relating to appeals or the power to hear appeals 上诉的
28.appeal :n. a proceeding in which a case is brought before a higher court for review of a lower court’s judgment for the purpose of convincing the higher cour t that the lower court’s judgment was incorrect 上诉
29.jurisdiction:n. the power, right, or authority to interpret, apply, and declare the law (as by rendering a decision) 管辖权
30.limited jurisdiction:n. jurisdiction that is restricted (as to a type of case) 有限管
31.general jurisdiction:n. jurisdiction that is not limited (as to a particular class of case) 普遍管辖权
32.circuit court:n. a court that sits in more that one place in a judicial district: as any of the federal courts of appeals 巡回法院
33. hear:vt. to give a hearing to 听审,审理
34.determination n. a decision of a court or administrative agency regarding an issue, case, or claim 判决,裁决
35.litigant :n. an active party to litigation 诉讼当事人
36.intermediate court:n. a court (as an appeals court) beneath the court of last resort in a jurisdiction 中级上诉法院
37.district court:n. a trial court having general or limited jurisdiction in a judicial district as one of the federal trial courts sitting in a federal district 地区法院
38.diversity jurisdiction :the jurisdiction granted to federal courts over civil disputes involving parties having diverse citizenship (as in being from different states) where the matter in controversy exceeds a statutory amount 多州管辖权,多元管辖权39.discretion:n. the power of a judge to use his or her own judgment in making decisions guided by what is fair and equitable and by principles of law 自由裁量权40.adve
rsary :adj. of, relating to, or involving a system of justice in which opposing parties usu. represented by counsel present evidence to an impartial decision-maker (as a jury) by a process of questioning witnesses under the supervision of a judge 对抗性的
