angular ui框架
Angular is a full-fledged framework with its own tooling and best practice implementation designed on top.
It encourages the use of library components by splitting them into separate reusable pieces you can use in your Angular project.
Angular UI makes the first impression when users first interact with your app.
当⽤户⾸次与您的应⽤进⾏交互时,Angular UI会给⼈留下第⼀印象。
If you get it right the first time, your app will encourage users to use your app more often.
It is possible to develop user interfaces manually but it cost you a lot of time. Instead of developing user interfaces manually, it is more efficient to use external responsive UI component libraries which are easy to use and a huge time saver for your Angular project.
可以⼿动开发⽤户界⾯,但要花费很多时间。 与其⼿动开发⽤户界⾯,不如使⽤易于使⽤且为Angular项⽬节省⼤量时间的外部响应UI组件库,效率更⾼。
Now, let’s look at the best of the best 16 Angular UI frameworks for faster Angular App Development.
现在,让我们看⼀下16个最佳Angular UI框架中的最佳框架,以便更快地进⾏Angular App开发。
1. AdminPro⾓度模板。 (1. AdminPro Angular Template.)
It’s the one of The Most Beautiful angular 9 based .
这是基于“最漂亮的基于⾓度9”的 。
It features Light & Dark Versions, Landing Page, 5 Demo Variations, 3 Dashboard Variation, 250+ Pages, 3000+ Font Icons, Many UI Components & much more.
The AdminPro Angular Template is based on the Angular 9 and also features the following:
AdminPro Angular模板基于Angular 9,并且还具有以下特点:
Too Many UI Components
Easy to Customize
Detailed Documentation
3000+ Font Icons
Lots of Chart Options
Multiple File Uploads
2. ngx-bootstrap (2. ngx-bootstrap)
is one of the popular Angular UI components libraries which is part of Valor-software. It includes all the core bootstrap components powered by Angular, so, you don’t need to include JS components but utilize markup and CSS in Bootstrap. The best and easy way to integrate Bootstrap 3/4 components with Angular.
是流⾏的Angular UI组件库之⼀,它是Valor软件的⼀部分。 它包含了所有由Angular⽀持的核⼼引导程序组件,因此,您不需要包括JS组件,⽽是在Bootstrap中利⽤标记和CSS。 将Bootstrap 3/4组件与Angular集成的最佳简便⽅法。
特征: (Features:)
Accordion, Alerts, Buttons, Collapse, Carousel, Datepicker, Dropdowns, Modals, Popover, Pagination, Progressbar, Rating, Timepicker, Sortable, Tabs, Tooltip & Typeahead.
3. Teradata共价UI平台 (3. Teradata Covalent UI Platform)
combines both web framework designs build on Angular and Angular Material Design. It allows us to build modern web apps easily.
结合了基于Angular和Angular Material Design构建的两种Web框架设计。 它使我们能够轻松构建现代Web应⽤程序。
特征: (Features:)
Angular Material
Angular CLI for builds, testing, deploys and more
Angular CLI⽤于构建,测试,部署等
Simplified interface
Custom components
Over 750 Material Design icons
Style guides - branding standards, color palettes, and tips 样式指南-品牌标准,调⾊板和提⽰
Reusable components - forms. cards and more
可重⽤组件-表单。 卡和更多
Unit testing tools and end-to-end tests
Quickstart app and get started.
4. Prime NG (4. Prime NG)
is a collection of rich UI components for Angular with over 70 easy-to-use UI components. All of its widgets are free and open-source under the MIT license. It has enhanced mobile UX with its optimized responsive design elements.
是Angular丰富的UI组件的集合,其中包含70多个易于使⽤的UI组件。 它的所有⼩部件都是免费的,并且根据MIT许可开放源代码。 它通过优化的响应式设计元素增强了移动UX。
特征: (Features:)
Basic and advanced input components (Autocomplete, Color Picker, Calendar, Keyfilter, Editor and more)
Buttons and SplitButton
Data components i.e DataGrid, DataList, Data Table, Tree Table and more
数据组件,即DataGrid,DataList,Data Table,Tree Table等
Panel components like Accordion, TabView, Card, Toolbar, Scroll panel.
Overlay components like dialogue, overlay panel, and lightbox
File upload component
Menu components like MenuBar, BreadCrumb, TabMenu, and MegaMenu
Alert messages with messages and Growl
Advanced components like a progress bar, captcha, drag and drop and Galleria
5. ng-bootstrap (5. ng-bootstrap)
provides Angular UI widgets built using Bootstrap CSS4 from the ground up. It has no dependencies on 3rd party JS. Angular UI components of ng-bootstrap include the following; Accordion, Buttons, Alert, Carousel, Collapse, Dropdown, Datepicker, Tooltip, and Typeahead. Most of its features are the same as those of ngx-bootstrap, but with the different project teams. ng-bootstrap is still under development while ngx-bootstrap is stable.
从头开始提供使⽤Bootstrap CSS4构建的Angular UI⼩部件。 它不依赖于第三⽅JS。 ng-bootstrap的Angular UI组件包括: ⼿风琴,按钮,警报,轮播,折叠,下拉菜单,⽇期选择器,⼯具提⽰和预输⼊。 它的⼤多数功能与ngx-bootstrap相同,但项⽬团队不同。 ng-bootstrap仍在开发中,⽽ngx-bootstrap稳定。
特征: (Features:)
Basic and advanced input components (Autocomplete, Color Picker, Calendar, Keyfilter, Editor and more)
Buttons and SplitButton
Data components i.e DataGrid, DataList, Data Table, Tree Table and more
数据组件,例如DataGrid,DataList,Data Table,Tree Table等
Panel components like Accordion, TabView, Card, Toolbar, Scroll panel.
Overlay components like dialogue, overlay panel and lightbox
File upload component
6. Angular的Onsen UI (6. Onsen UI for Angular)
It is used to create beautiful Android and iOS apps with Angular UI and Onsen UI. provides Angular UI directives that are automatically styled as per platform.
它⽤于通过Angular UI和Onsen UI创建漂亮的Android和iOS应⽤程序。 提供了Angular UI指令,这些指令会根据平台⾃动设置样式。