饥饿的毛毛虫 The very hungry caterpillar-中英文逐句互译
饥饿的毛毛虫 The very hungry caterpillarIn the light of the moon, a little egg lay on a leaf. 月光下,一颗小小的卵,躺在叶子上睡觉。 One sunday morning, the warm sun came up and POP!-out of the egg, came a tiny and very hung...
饥饿的毛毛虫 The very hungry caterpillarIn the light of the moon, a little egg lay on a leaf. 月光下,一颗小小的卵,躺在叶子上睡觉。 One sunday morning, the warm sun came up and POP!-out of the egg, came a tiny and very hung...