



2024-08-05 21:11:52



2024-05-21 08:34:44

爷爷喜欢打乒乓球英文作文    英文:    My grandpa loves playing table tennis. He has been playing it for many years and is really good at it. I remember when I was a kid, he used to take me to the...

看图 打乒乓球作文

2024-05-21 08:25:45

看图 打乒乓球作文    英文回答:    Playing table tennis is one of my favorite activities. It is not only a great way to stay active and improve my hand-eye coordination, but it is also a fun an...


2024-05-21 08:24:14

学校的乒乓球台写作文400字    英文回答:    I remember the time when I first saw the table tennis table at my school. It was a bright green color and looked so inviting. I was immediately drawn to...


2024-05-21 08:21:44

寒假趣事作文打乒乓球500字    英文回答:    During the winter vacation, I had a lot of fun playing table tennis with my friends. We played almost every day, and I got a lot better at the game. I le...


2024-05-21 08:19:14

在家打乒乓球段落摘抄100字    英文回答:    Playing table tennis at home is one of my favorite pastimes. It is a great way to relax and have fun with family and friends. Whenever I have some free t...


2024-05-21 08:04:09

tabletennis的中文你通常和谁打球的英文作文I am a sports fan,basketball,table tennis,badmintonare sports I like.Among them,basketball is my best love,because it brings me joy.When I put on a sports jacket,running in a...


2024-05-21 02:40:00

我的爱好是乒乓球英语作文    英文回答:    Playing table tennis is one of my favorite hobbies. I started playing when I was in high school and fell in love with it immediately. The fast-paced nature...


2024-05-21 01:32:59

乒乓球起源的英文作文带翻译各位读友大家好!你有你的木棉,我有我的文章,为了你的木棉,应读我的文章!若为比翼双飞鸟,定是人间有情人!若读此篇优秀文,必成天上比翼鸟!Table tennis is evolved from tennis. It has a history of 100 years. At the time, several British naval officers in Indi...


2024-01-07 08:14:39

《风》小清新纯爱微电影    52天风信子经历一次花开花落,52天墨西哥湾暖流走过三分之一次循环,52天地球公转0.142个圈,52天也是我和你的一度缱绻······类似《开端》的循环电影    学生阿风在篮球场打球,对经过球场的盲女孩青青一见钟情。为了接近青青,阿风以买杂志为借口渐渐打动女孩的心,两人陷入爱河,开始了一段狼忙清新的爱情故事,一起放风筝,一起...
