



2024-05-05 11:04:35

初中英语:一般将来时专项练习题1.If we do something       the law, we will       .A.against; punished    B.with; be punishedC.with; punished    D.against; be punish...


2024-05-05 10:59:53

中考英语动词被动语态真题汇编(含答案)及解析一、动词被动语态1.Tu Youyou is the first Chinese to win the Noble Prize in Medicine, she    by more people nowadays.            A. know ...

新沪教版初中英语七年级上册Module 2 unit3 the Earth知识点归纳及...

2024-05-05 10:54:33

Unit3 the Earth一.要点短语: 1.be covered by… 由……覆盖  2.protect the Earth保护地球3.many different plants许多不同的植物  4.some…some… 一些…一些 …  5.on Earth在地球上6.on the land在陆地上 7.in the sky在空中8.under the w...


2024-05-05 10:53:58

反义疑问句的形式:反意疑问句是附加在陈述句之后, 对所陈述内容提出质疑或通过反问以强化陈述内容的一种疑问句。总体原则:如果陈述部分是肯定的, 附加部分用否定形式;如果陈述部分是否定的, 附加部分用肯定形式。附加部分的助动词和代词应与陈述部分一致。例如: They are students , aren't they ?    They aren't students , ar...


2024-05-05 10:52:36

动词不定式作目的状语英语中的动词不定式具有副词的功能,可以在句子中作状语,表示多种意义。在这里就动词不定式作目的状语进行单独讨论。   一、不定式和不定式短语作目的状语   不定式和不定式短语作目的状语,主要用来修饰动词,表示某一动作或状态的目的。为了使目的意义更加清楚或表示强调意义时,还可以在前面加 in order to 或 so as to。例如:   I've...


2024-05-05 10:50:36

Therebe句型的结构There be句型的结构There be表示“存在有”,即当我们告诉某人某事存在(或不存在)常用这种结构。其中there是引导词,本身无词义;be为谓语动词,后面跟的是名词,也就是主语,也就是说there be结构的运用也就是倒桩的具体运用。其真正的主语在there be 之后。在新课标中对此的考试要求是:掌握There be句式的结构特征和基本用法。在我们的课本中也出现...


2024-05-05 10:47:58

英语真题精选汇编-被动语态【陕西】1. The mobile phone has influenced people’s life a lot since it _________.A. invents      B. invented      C. is invented      D. was inve...


2024-05-05 10:47:47

15选10做题技巧(以模拟卷+真题卷为例)一:名词1. 名词主要做主语和宾语,所以谓语动词前面或后面必定有名词性质的主语或宾语,同时介词后面也要有名词性质的宾语。The survey found that over half of male schoolchildren lacked confidence because of their body shape.2. 限定词(a/an/the/th...


2024-05-05 10:47:22

(完整版)⾮谓语动词填空题附答案复习:动名词、不定式1. “Do you have any clothes _______ (wash)?” asked the maid.2. The great danger lay in _______ (not know) our shortcomings, so we must be very careful about what we are going...


2024-05-05 10:46:47

过去将来时的五种表达形式一、was/were going to + 动词原形He said that he was going to live in the country when he retired.他说他退休后要住在农村。二、was/were + 动词-ing形式Nobody knew whether the guests were coming.没人知道客人们是否要来。三、was/wer...


2024-05-05 10:42:07

非谓语动词分步讲解非谓语动词分步讲解出处: 作者: 湘西教育教学信息网 2007年05月09日一、非谓语动词的概念动词的基本用法是作谓语。当句中已经有了谓语动词了,要选或要填的动词就只能用非谓语形式了。非谓语形式有三种:1、动词不定式:to do  2、动词的ing : doing  3、 动词的过去分词:done二、三种形式的含义(基本用法)不定...


2024-05-05 10:41:32

非谓语的用法名称成分基本用法与考点现在分词主语1.        表示活动  2.经常用形式主语it两个固定句型 It is no use / good doing sth    做某事没用处/ 没好处            Seeing is believing....


2024-05-05 10:40:24

2019 高考英语二轮单项选择训练    5:非谓语动词(分析)(限时 30分钟)第*** 节21.Unfortunately, when I dropped in, Doctor Li _____ for Beijing to join in thefight again SARS, so we only had time for a few words.A. just le...


2024-05-05 10:39:13

一. it作人称代词在特定的环境中,it可指人,如指婴儿、性别不详或身份不明的人。e.g. 1. The baby stopped crying as soon as it saw the woman.(指婴儿)2. —Who is it?—It’s me.(性别不详或身份不明)二. itreported作形式主语或形式宾语it可以作形式主语或形式宾语而把真正的主语或宾语后置。1. 用i...


2024-05-05 10:37:30

反义疑问句一.句型解释反义疑问句(The Disjunctive Question):即附加疑问句。它表示提问人的看法,没有把握,需要对方证实。 反义疑问句由两部分组成:前一部分是一个陈述句,后一部分是一个简短的疑问句,两部分的人称时态应保持一致。   1.陈述部分肯定式+疑问部分否定式      2.陈述部分否定式+疑问部分肯定式   She...


2024-05-05 10:36:40

特殊句式的结构 (翻译,写作)1. There be 结构a.  There is no sense in arguing with him on this problem.There is no point in repairing that old car again.a. There is no denying the fact.There is no telling what h...


2024-05-05 10:36:26

英语作文中说话的标点符号    英文回答:    Punctuation of Reported Speech in English Writing.    Reported speech, also known as indirect speech, is a way of reporting what someone has said...


2024-05-05 10:30:06

被动语态选择题练习和答案一、单项选择被动语态1.The classroom ________ by students every day.A.cleans    B.cleanedC.is cleaned    D.is cleaning【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查时态和被动语态。句意:教室每天都由学生打扫。句子主语The classroom,单数第三人称...


2024-05-05 10:29:03

初中英语动词被动语态专项训练100(附答案)含解析一、动词被动语态1.You      throw it away. It can      .            A. needn't; recycle        &nbs...


2024-05-05 10:28:50

英语动词被动语态题20套(带答案)含解析一、动词被动语态1. Chinese ______by more and more people around the world.A. spoken                           &nb...


2024-05-05 10:28:26

It作形式主语常见句型动词不定式,动名词或主语从句作主语时,通常把它们放在谓语动词前,而用it作形式主语,放到句首,常见句型有:1. It + be + 形容词+主语从句,如:It is uncertain whether he can come to Jenny’s birthday party or not.2. It + be + 名词词组 + 主语从句,这类名词有:a fact, a pi...

英语专项 语法 时态 17 转述引语之陈述句 reported statements

2024-05-05 10:25:15

Reported Statements陈述句转述When do we use reported speech? Sometimes someone says a sentence, for example "I'm going to the cinema tonight". Later, maybe we want to tell someone else what the first perso...


2024-05-05 10:15:11

外研版必修四Module4 知识点整理根底落实Ⅰ.高频单词思忆1.This company is more concerned with quality than with ________(数量).2.He was the outstanding political _______(人物) of his time.3.The _________(受害者) of the explosion wer...


2024-05-05 10:14:01

精品基础教育教学资料,仅供参考,需要可下载使用!高二英语寒假作业同步练习题:动名词作宾语1.It's easier to _________ (骑自行车) with the wind behind you. (根据汉语意思填空)【答案】cycle【详解】考查动词。句意:顺风骑自行车会更容易。此处是不定式,to后加动词原形,动词“骑自行车”是cycle。故填cycle。2.She ...


2024-05-05 10:12:42

一、选择题1.Amy makes fewer mistakes than Frank. She does her homework           .A.more careless    B.more carelessly    C.more careful    D.more car...


2024-05-05 10:12:30

历年全国高考英语非谓语动词试题汇总及答案一、单项选择非谓语动词1.(北京) Jim has retired, but he still remembers the happy time ________ with his students.A.to spend    B.spendC.spending    D.spent【答案】D【解析】【详解】考查非谓语...


2024-05-05 10:10:36

(英语)中考英语副词专项训练及答案及解析一、初中英语副词1.—Would you like two strong black coffees?—No, thanks. I _______ drink it. It hurts my stomach.A. almost                 ...

一般现在时 现在进行时 一般将来时

2024-05-05 10:10:24

1一般现在时 ( Present Simple)2. 现在进行时 (Present Continuous)3. 将来的安排和打算( Future Arrangements and Intentions)一、一般现在时、现在进行时(一)、辨"个性"一般现在时表示经常性或习惯性的动作,以及主语的特征或状态。1.表示主语现在的状态或特征。例如:I am a teacher.We have a very...

高中英语外研版新教材必修二unit 2 语法和单词

2024-05-05 10:10:13

unit 2一、重点语法知识:1.with复合结构:构成:with+宾语+宾补常在句中作状语,表示时间、原因、方式、条件或伴随等。具体形式主要有(1)with+宾语+现在分词(主动或正在进行)(2)with+宾语+过去分词(被动或已经完成)(3)with+宾语+动词不定式(尚未发生)(4)with+宾语+形容词/副词/介词短语2. That/This/It is why+结果 那/这就是为什么--...


2024-05-05 10:08:37

精品教学课件设计 | Excellent teaching planLesson 51 A pleasant climate一、生词和短语Greece:n.希腊→Greek: n.希腊人,希腊语; adj.希腊的、希 腊人的、希腊语的。Climate:n.气候; weather:n.天气; country:n. 国家; pleasant: adj.宜人的、令人愉快的、讨人喜欢的,常用短语:&nbs...
