《北京大学学报(医学版)》第10届编辑委员会成员名单Member List of the10th Editorial Committee of Journal of Peking University(Health Sciences)名誉主编Honorary Editonin-Chief韩启德(HAN Qi)+韩济生(HAN Ji-sheng)王夔(WANG Kui)顾问Advisory Boar...
siam 审稿流程
siam 审稿流程 英文回答: The SIAM Review review process is designed to ensure that published papers are of high quality, novel, and relevant to the SIAM community. All submissions are...
JACS所有25位副主编列表:/page/jacsat/editors.htmlEric V. Anslyn: Supramolecular Analytical Chemistry, small molecule therapeuticsutexas.edu/research/sm.htmlStephen J. Lippar...