2021年化工设计竞赛国一 英文回答: The 2021 AIChE National Undergraduate Process Design Competition challenged students to design a process for the production of ethylene glycol from natura...
低压鲁奇合成甲醇工艺流程原理The low-pressure Luichi methanol synthesis process is a widely used method to produce methanol from syngas. This process involves the conversion of a mixture of hydrogen, carbon monoxide...
shell气化的工艺特点和工艺流程(中英文实用版)reactor technologyTitle: Shell Gasification: Process Features and FlowShell gasification is a gasification process that uses a shell-and-tube reactor design.The technology has...
煤制乙二醇的生产原理及工艺流程 英文回答: Introduction. Ethylene glycol (EG) is a colorless, odorless, and sweet-tasting liquid that is widely used as a raw material in the producti...
超临界水煤气化原理 英文回答: Supercritical water gasification (SCWG) is a process that involves the conversion of coal into synthesis gas (syngas) using water under supercritical conditio...
煤炭合成尼龙66工艺流程 英文回答: Coal is a widely used energy source in many countries, and it can also be used as a raw material in various industries. One such industry is the production...
简要描述壳牌加压气流床气化工艺流程壳牌加压气流床气化工艺是一种高效的生物质气化技术,可将生物质材料转化为合成气。The Shell pressurized fluidized bed gasification process is an efficient biomass gasification technology that converts biomass materials into sy...
简单描述 壳牌加压气流床气化工艺流程
简单描述 壳牌加压气流床气化工艺流程Shell's pressurized fluidized bed gasification process is an innovative technology that converts various feedstocks, such as coal, biomass, and petroleum coke, into synthesis gas (sy...
第33卷第23期农业工程学报V ol.33 No.23246 2017年12月Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering Dec. 2017CO一步法C. autoethanogenum发酵产乙醇的工艺研究徐惠娟1,2,梁...