spend和spare造句肯定句Spend例句1、The state spend is high.政府预算很高。2、It is weird to spend a lot of money to alter that old candy store.用那么多的钱去改造那家陈旧的糖果店,实在令人不解。3、I hesitate to spend so much money on clothes.我舍不得...
美国小学英语教材1第21课The Busy Bees 忙碌的蜜蜂
第21课The Busy Bees 忙碌的蜜蜂 "Buzz1, buzz, buzz," sang2 the bees one summer morning. “嗡嗡,嗡嗡,嗡嗡”,蜜蜂们在一个夏日早晨唱着。 They were very busy. 他们忙极了。 Some were making little rooms in the be...
杜宇类型化解释杜宇是一种雀形目、雀科的鸟类,其学名为Cinnyris duyvenbodei。杜宇具有独特的特征和行为习性。它们体型较小,通常体长为6至7厘米,身体呈黑,有着红的喉咙和喉饰。杜宇常见于非洲热带地区,如非洲东部和南部。杜宇以花蜜为食,也吃昆虫和蜘蛛。它们通常会在花朵上寻花蜜,并利用长而弯曲的喙吸取花蜜。杜宇还有一种特殊的飞行方式,称为悬停飞行。它们可以在空中静止不动,以方便吸取...