英语翻译练习-外刊中英文对照翻译赏析2Paul Samuelson保罗.萨缪尔森The last of the great general economists died on December 13th, aged 9412月13日,最后一位经济学通才辞世,享年94岁“I WAS reborn, born as an economist, at 8.00am on January 2nd 193...
英语翻译练习-外刊中英文对照翻译赏析2Paul Samuelson保罗.萨缪尔森The last of the great general economists died on December 13th, aged 9412月13日,最后一位经济学通才辞世,享年94岁“I WAS reborn, born as an economist, at 8.00am on January 2nd 193...