



2024-04-15 22:07:56

dubbo-admin的使⽤⽬录了解 dubbo-admin下载 dubbo-admin使⽤ dubbo-admin1、dubbo-admin是什么dubbo-admin是⼀个监控程序,可以通过web很⽅便的管理监控众多的dubbo服务。dubbo-admin只是为了更⽅便,不装不影响使⽤。2、下载dubbo-admin下载后看到是maven项⽬,可以导⼊到idea中查看代码,也可以直接在⽬录下打...


2024-04-15 17:18:00

关于javascript中的感叹号(!)看到别⼈写了个代码。。⾃⼰就瞎琢磨起来text:function(value){var node = this[0];if(value === void 0){if(!node){return ""}else if(node.tagName == "OPTION" || node.tagName === "SCRIPT"){;...


2024-04-15 15:02:55

放学时等妈妈的心情变化作文    英文回答:    As I wait for my mom after school, my mood undergoes various changes. At first, I feel excited and relieved, knowing that the school day is over and I can...


2024-04-11 19:11:10



2024-04-11 19:04:45

vue-admin-template结合SpringBoot登录前端请求分析vue-admin-template登录接⼝请求详解在Github拉项⽬下来运⾏,Chrome开发者模式调试登录接⼝1. 点击Login按钮可以发现产⽣了如下两个请求2. 点开Login请求,发现传⼊的是表单中的⽤户名和密码,返回的是⼀个"admin-token"3. 点开info请求,传⼊的是前⾯的token,返回的是如...

Adobe Flex Web 工程 入门教程

2024-04-08 04:22:41

Adobe flex web工程教程张启军222009*********1、开发工具首先要说的是安装一个开发工具是不够的,这里面的主要简单介绍一下两个工程。eclipse安装教程tomcat1.1、WTP开发工具Eclipse要求是3.5以上的版本,我建议使用MyEclipse开发工具,注意版本10.6.0。1.2、Adobe flash builder4.6开发工具在安装目录【\Adobe Fl...


2024-04-08 02:32:55

我的奇思妙想作文智能消防员手抄报As a child, I always had a wild imagination. I would dream up fantastical scenarios where heroes saved the day in extraordinary ways. One of my favorite characters was the intelligent...


2024-04-08 02:10:13

2017-2018学年北师大版高中英语必修2全册教学案  Ⅰ.根据词性及汉语提示写出单词1.affectvt.影响2.realityn.真实,现实→realadj.真的,真实的3.entertainvt.给……娱乐;款待→entertainmentn.娱乐,款待4.harmvt. &n.伤害,损害→harmfuladj.firefighter有害的5.obviousadj.明显的...


2024-04-08 01:55:07

译林版小学英语Culture time汇总五上1.Coffee is popular in Western countries. 咖啡在西方国家受欢迎。Tea is popular in China. 茶在中国受欢迎。2.In the UK, this is the ground floor. 在英国,这是一楼。In the US, this is the first floor. 在美国,这是一...


2024-04-08 01:54:21

  Ⅰ.根据词性及汉语提示写出单词1.affectvt.影响2.realityn.真实,现实→realadj.真的,真实的3.entertainvt.给……娱乐;款待→entertainmentn.娱乐,款待4.harmvt. &n.伤害,损害→harmfuladj.有害的5.obviousadj.明显的,显而易见的→obviouslyadv.明显地,显而易见地Ⅱ.词义匹配1.g...

2019-2020学年译林版英语选修六新素养同步练习:Unit 1 Laughter

2024-04-08 01:50:52

品句填词1.When we heard his jokes, we all burst into       (笑声).答案:laughter2.I was interested to sit back and observe her       (反应) when she was told this news.答案:reaction3...


2024-04-06 10:20:02

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening[雪夜林边小驻]Whose woods these are I think I know, 我知道林子的主人是谁,  His house is in the village though. 虽村落是他所居之地。  He will not see me stopping here, 他不会看到我停留于此,&n...


2024-04-06 10:10:11

人教,高中英语,选修七,单词,助记,第四单元B7U4-A1、The postage for airmail is 50 cents.一封航空信的邮资是五十美分。2、It's a fortnight to National Day.离国庆节还有两星期。3、I shall defer replying till I hear from home.我将等接到家信以后再给你答复。4、Why am I dy...


2024-04-06 09:31:51

MAGIC IS FUN魔术有意思The sole reason that the Now You See Me franchise works is that magic is fun. Throughout Now You See Me 2, the audience is as valuable a member of the team as each of the Horsemen. Th...


2024-04-06 09:24:28

因为不懂事而理解大人的作文英文版As children, we often find ourselves at odds with the adults in our lives. We may not understand why they make certain decisions or set certain rules. It can be frustrating and confusi...


2024-04-06 08:54:38

finally的同义词finally表最后,终于; 总算的意思,那么你知道finally的同义词有哪些吗?接下来小编为大家整理了finally的同义词,希望对你有帮助哦!finally的同义词辨析:at last, at length, eventually, finally, in the end, lastly这些词或词组均含有"最后,终于"之意。at last :多指经主观努力,克服各种困难...


2024-04-06 00:41:36

LINUX逻辑卷(LVM)管理与逻辑卷分区LINUX之逻辑卷管理与逻辑卷扩展LVM是逻辑卷管理(Logical Volume Manager)的简称,他是建⽴在物理存储设备之上的⼀个抽象层,允许你⽣成逻辑存储卷,和直接使⽤物理存储在管理上相⽐,提供了更好灵活性。LVM将存储虚拟化,使⽤逻辑卷,你不会受限于物理磁盘的⼤⼩,另外,和硬件相关的存储设置被其隐藏,你能不⽤停⽌应⽤或卸载⽂件系统来调整卷⼤⼩...


2024-04-05 23:58:49

Linux如何查看NVMe磁盘序列号Linxu 如何查看NVMe磁盘的序列号呢?下⾯是我测试过的⼏种⽅法。OS环境:CentOS Linux release 7.8.2003 (Core)磁盘:/dev/sda是做RAID1的SSD。/dev/nvme1n1、/dev/nvme0n1是NVMe磁盘,没有做RAID。⽅法⼀ lsblk因为/dev/sda逻辑盘,SERIAL应该只是系统⽣产的⼀个ID...


2024-04-05 23:48:50

Linux查看硬盘分区及健康状况fdisk、df、smartctl2009-08-04 11:01Linux查看硬盘分区及健康状况fdisk、df、smartctl koudai.360/u/13434790/article_211653970.htmlbbs.51cto/thread-509964-1.html hi.baidu/...


2024-04-04 21:30:59

写景作文600字描写阴天    英文回答:    On an overcast day, the sky is filled with thick, gray clouds that seem to stretch endlessly across the horizon. The air feels heavy and damp, as if a stor...


2024-04-04 21:30:04

车窗外的景作文100字stretch什么意思中文    英文回答:    As I look out of the car window, I am greeted by a beautiful scenery. The lush green fields stretch out as far as the eye can see, with gentle...


2024-04-04 21:26:58

通过车窗看到了什么景作文    英文回答:    Looking out of the car window, I am greeted by a myriad of breathtaking sights. The landscape unfolds before my eyes, revealing a tapestry of natural beau...

NEXUS S 刷机教程

2024-04-04 12:37:11

折腾硬件准备1. 手2. 手步骤获得html手机网站版本1.0 腾了一天半时件型号:  Nex 备:手机没有跑各手机所有数据骤:得ROOT 权限1. 下载 O recovery w s ‐window 2. 在做此之3. 拷贝On 4. 在命令行5. 自行运行  ./a  – L N 本时间,终于搞xus  S  I9023各种应用...


2024-04-04 05:50:50

java实现⽂件上传(使⽤FromData)⼀、使⽤FromData将表单对象序列化后,使⽤InputStream()来获取数据1、表单代码如下<form id="user-info" method="post" action="upload"><input type="file" name="file" multiple><input type...


2024-04-04 05:50:38

Web开发中⽂件上传是出现的:java.io.FileNotFoundException:。。。1. <span >2. </span><span ><span >⼀环境的搭建:</span></span>eclipase + javaEE +  commons-fileupload-1.2.1.jar + comm...


2024-04-03 23:19:01

表单中inputname属性有⽆[]的区别1 input数组如下⼀个表单:<input type="text" name="username[]" value="Jason" /><input type="text" name="username[]" value="Tom" /><input type="text" name="username[]" value="...


2024-04-03 23:13:22

表现人心冷漠的作文素材    英文回答:    In today's society, it is not uncommon to witness acts of indifference and apathy. People seem to have become desensitized to the suffering and struggles of...


2024-04-03 20:48:21

你说我哪里的一道光作文    英文回答:    A beam of light from somewhere? It's hard to say exactly where it comes from. Light can come from various sources, such as the sun, a light bulb, or even a...


2024-04-03 19:28:35

js获取当前时间,⽇期格式为年⽉⽇//获取当前时间var date = new Date();var year = FullYear();var month = Month() + 1;js当前日期加一天var day = Date();if (month < 10) {month = "0" + month;}if (day < 10)...


2024-04-03 14:40:41

写父亲冒着大雪送我上学的作文英文版Every morning, no matter how cold or snowy it was outside, my father would always wake up early to drive me to school. I remember one winter morning in particular when a heavy snowsto...
