



2024-05-16 14:56:56

专项练习——略读(一)阅读下面文章,完成9——11 题。(12分)①绝大多数台风是在两半球信风气流矛盾冲突中诞生的,它自身也充满了矛盾。可以说,世界上没有任何别的天气系统中有如此多的、尖锐而有趣的矛盾。   ②大家都知道,台风会造成狂风暴雨的天气。可是,恰恰在台风的中心,即直径为十几至几十公里的台风眼区里,却是个天气晴好、无风或小风的"世外桃源"。因此,在狂风暴雨区和台风眼区分界面内外,...


2024-05-16 14:44:33



2024-05-16 14:43:47

飞向蓝天的恐龙仿写350字作文    话说啊,恐龙这种大家伙,你知道吗?它们以前可不仅仅是在陆地上晃悠,还曾经有过飞向蓝天的梦想呢!真的,你别不信,我可不是在吹牛。    想象一下啊,那些庞然大物,长着翅膀,在空中翱翔,那得是多么壮观的场面啊!科学家们说,恐龙其实和现在的鸟类有点亲戚关系,也就是说,它们其实有飞翔的潜力,只是后来可能因为环境啊、食物啊等各种原...


2024-05-16 14:36:35

四下作文我的奇思妙想关于时空穿梭机全文共8篇示例,供读者参考篇1    我最近看了很多科幻电影和小说,其中有很多都提到时空穿梭机这个神奇的发明。我觉得如果真的有时空穿梭机的话,那一定会超级酷呢!    首先,用时空穿梭机就可以去看看古代的生活是什么样子的。我最想去看看古代的皇宫里面到底有多漂亮,当时的人们是怎么生活的。还可以看看那些著名的战役,像是三国时代的...


2024-05-16 14:21:04



2024-05-16 10:52:55

热辣滚烫为主题的作文600字    英文回答:    The sensation of heat is a complex and multifaceted experience that can evoke a wide range of emotions, from pleasure to pain. When we think of heat, we...


2024-05-16 10:52:14

假如人类有复眼作文300字    I have always wondered what it would be like if humans had compound eyes like insects. Just imagine having multiple lenses in each eye, allowing us to see a wider range of c...


2024-05-16 10:48:01

关于纳米的作文100字    英文回答:reactions是什么单位    Nanotechnology is the study and application of extremely small things, typically on a scale of nanometers. One nanometer is one billionth of a...

关于我的一周的英语作文 带上中文

2024-05-16 10:18:37

关于我的一周的英语作文 带上中文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1    My Exciting Week (我充满刺激的一周)    This week has been so much fun! I can't wait to tell you all about it. (这个星期真是太棒了!我迫不及待想告诉你们所有的事情。)    O...


2024-05-16 10:02:19

周深是中国内地著名的男歌手,以其独特的嗓音和演唱技巧而广受赞誉。他演唱过不少英文歌曲,以下是一些周深演绎过的英文歌曲:1.《Champions》:这首歌收录在专辑《创造营2021 第十期》中,由多位国际音乐人合作创作。2.《You Raise Me Up》:周深曾在《2021第六届全球外交官中国文化之夜》上演唱了这首经典英文歌,原曲由Secret Garden创作,被多次翻唱,歌词表达对激励人心的...


2024-05-16 08:53:10

药学英语Unit 1 Inflammatory reaction induced by local ischemic injury is one of the important pathophysiological characteristics after ischemic stroke, so anti-inflammatory therapy may be an effective str...


2024-05-16 07:43:28

经典英语美文赏析 经典英语美文赏析(一)  Depression is like a plague that hits every one of us at some point in life. Everyone copes with it in their own way, but oftentimes its hard to understand what exactly you...


2024-05-16 07:23:15

B2U1*section/ˈsɛkʃᵊn/n. a separate part of a document, book, 节;部分B2U1*section/ˈsɛkʃᵊn/n. any of the parts into which something is divided n.部分;部门B2U1*reveal/rɪˈviːl/v. to make something known to...


2024-05-16 07:15:18

阅读七选五专练(四)Test 1(2018·山东省高三下学期高考预测) There are two types of party attendees (参加者): Those who count the minutes until they can go home, and those who stay until the early hours of morning.Regardless of...


2024-05-16 05:54:41

以绕路并不是妥协为题的英语作文    英文回答:    Detour is Not a Compromise.    In the tapestry of life, the path we tread is often fraught with unexpected turns and detours. These deviations...

02-3.4 温度与反应速率的关系

2024-05-16 05:14:46

第 3 讲  化学动力学基础中南大学:张寿春3.4  温度与反应速率的关系3.4  Relationship between Temperature and Reaction Rate氢气和氧气混合,在常温下反应十分缓慢,难以观察到有水生成;但在高温下(1073 K)剧烈反应,发生爆炸。石灰石在常温下很稳定,但是在高温下就容易发生分解反应。夏天气温高,食物容易腐烂变...


2024-05-16 04:36:18

写一篇关于信用卡的英语作文    Credit cards have become a ubiquitous presence in modern society,革命izing the way we shop, travel, and manage our finances. They offer a convenient means of payment that allo...


2024-05-16 04:34:44

恐惧的作文好的开头    英文回答:    Fear is a powerful emotion that can paralyze us or drive us to great lengths. It can be a warning sign of danger or a debilitating force that holds us back. B...


2024-05-16 04:30:24

简述输血不良反应的处理流程    英文回答:    Adverse reactions to blood transfusions can occur in some patients. These reactions can range from mild to severe, and it is important for healthcare prov...


2024-05-16 04:27:18

网络不文明行为:影响与解决之道    In today's digital era, the internet has become an integral part of our daily lives. From social media platforms to online shopping and educational resources, the internet...


2024-05-16 04:27:04

Self-Protection in Junior High School    In the fast-paced world of junior high school, self-protection is not only a necessity but also a crucial skill that every student should possess. As...


2024-05-16 04:22:03

网课的优势与劣势英语作文    In today's digital era, online courses have become a prevalent mode of education, offering unprecedented convenience and flexibility to learners across the globe. However, li...


2024-05-16 04:12:47

The Impact of Technology on Higher Education in the Digital Age    In the digital age, technology has revolutionized almost every aspect of our lives, and higher education is no exception. T...


2024-05-16 04:11:17

大学开设网络课程的利弊英语作文Possible answer:As online learning has become more prevalent, many universities have started offering online courses. In this essay, I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of t...


2024-05-16 04:09:48

医院疫苗接种不良反应处置预案范文    英文回答:    Vaccine adverse reactions are an important consideration in healthcare settings, and it is crucial to have a well-defined plan in place to address such...


2024-05-16 04:06:41

现代人的交流困境    In the era of digital communication, it is ironic that humans, the social animals, are facing unprecedented challenges in communication. The advent of technology has brought abou...


2024-05-16 04:01:06

网络与现实的区别英文作文    英文:    When it comes to the differences between the online world and the real world, there are quite a few to consider. One of the most obvious differences is the l...


2024-05-16 03:30:57

什么改变情绪英语作文    英文回答:    Emotions are complex mental states that can be triggered by a wide range of internal and external factors. They can be positive, such as joy, love, or excite...


2024-05-16 03:18:13

耐心重要性英文作文带翻译    英文回答:    Patience is a virtue that is often undervalued in today's fast-paced world. In a time where instant gratification is the norm, it can be difficult to find...

2021译林版高中英语选择性必修四Unit 2课文翻译

2024-05-16 03:12:16

UNIT 2 Understanding each other We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.——Epictetus我们只有两只耳朵和一张嘴巴,所以我们可以听到的是我们所说的两倍。——爱比克泰德Reading(p 16-17)Effective communication...
