1、查询表中重复数据(单字段)Select * From 表 Where 字段 1 In (Select 字段 1 From 表 Group By 字段 1 Having Count(字段1) > 1)2、删除表中多余的重复记录,只留有rowid最小的记录(单字段) Delete From 表Where 字段1 In (Select 字段1 From...
SQL查询重复数据1、查表中多余的重复记录,重复记录是根据单个字段(peopleId)来判断select * from peoplewhere peopleId in (select peopleId from people group by peopleId having count (peopleId) > 1)2、删除表中多余的重复记录,重复记录是根据单个字段(peopleId)来判...
linux:shell:执⾏hive查询并将返回值赋值给shell变量while循环的使⽤,if循环的使⽤,执⾏hive语句并赋值给shell变量grep过滤⽆效字符的使⽤#!/bin/bashstart_date=$1end_date=$2company=$3#while循环的使⽤,注意[] 这两个符号内侧都要留有空格while [ "$start_date" -le "$end_date" ]...
First Aid for Burns
First Aid for BurnsA burn can be painful or painless, according to the degree. The degree of a burn is determined by its location on the body and the number of skin layers affected. A burn can be caus...
解决Oracle删除重复数据只留⼀条的⽅法详解查询及删除重复记录的SQL语句1、查表中多余的重复记录,重复记录是根据单个字段(Id)来判断select * from 表 where Id in (select Id from 表 group by Id having count(Id) > 1)2、删除表中多余的重复记录,重复记录是根据单个字段(Id)来判断,只留有rowid最⼩的记录DE...
SQL删除重复记录的N种方法--<一>:select distinct * into #temp from 表truncate table 表insert 表 select * from #tempdrop table--<二>带有标识列--备份数据select * into #temp from 表alter table #temp drop column id--删除原...
oracle 去重复语句
oracle mysql sqlserver 数据库 用SQL语句,删除 去掉 重复 项只 保留一条 native耻物手办在哪买2011-04-28 20:52在几千条记录里,存在着些相同的记录,如何能用SQL语句,删除掉重复的呢1、查表中多余的重复记录,重复记录是根据单个字段(peopleId)来判断 select * from people mysql语句转oraclewhere peopl...