湿的汤显祖和干的翻译“While singing in the company of others, when the Master found a song attractive, he always asked to hear it again before joining in.”乍看以为是说KTV包房,敢情是翻译《论语》段子:“子与人歌而善,必使反之,而后和之。” 二流原创碰上二流翻译,指...
湿的汤显祖和干的翻译“While singing in the company of others, when the Master found a song attractive, he always asked to hear it again before joining in.”乍看以为是说KTV包房,敢情是翻译《论语》段子:“子与人歌而善,必使反之,而后和之。” 二流原创碰上二流翻译,指...