



2024-04-06 09:20:48

励志电影观后感英文The inspirational movie I watched recently left a profound impact on me. It told a compelling story of an underdog who, against all odds, rose to become a successful individual. The journey w...


2024-04-06 08:46:37

和朋友闹矛盾化解的小作文    英文回答:    When I had a falling out with my friend, it was really tough. We had been close for years, and suddenly we were at odds. I felt like I didn't even know how...


2024-04-06 07:50:24

大学英语四级真题及答案(多套题及翻译)CET4Part I Writing (30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the following topic. You should write at least 120 words but no more t...

外研版英语七下试题 北京市第161中学英语module3makingplan测试题含...

2024-04-06 07:46:58

初中英语学习材料madeofjingetieji七年级英语(下)模块三测试题一、单选 (每题2分,共30分)1. She is going to a party ________ the weekend.A. at            B. to            C...


2024-04-06 01:15:55

如何在Linux下安装fcitx输入法Linux输入法的切换和Windows一样,也可使用快捷切换, fcitx输入法是众多输入法中的一种,有些朋友习惯使用该输入法,下面店铺就给大家介绍下Linux如何安装fcitx输入法,感兴趣的朋友不妨来了解下吧。Linux是一套免费使用和自由传播的类Unix操作系统,是一个基于POSIX和UNIX的多用户、多任务、支持多线程和多CPU的操作系统。它能运行主要...


2024-04-05 16:37:21

挠马可菠萝痒痒作文  "Tickling Mark波罗's Itchy Spot"    "挠马可波罗的痒痒"    One day, Mark 波罗 was lying on the sofa, looking very relaxed. His friends noticed that there was a spot on his back...


2024-04-05 16:36:40

那个星期天作文内容    英文回答:    Last Sunday was a typical day for me. I woke up early in the morning, feeling refreshed and ready for the day ahead. The weather outside was beautiful, with c...


2024-04-05 16:11:34

同学间挠痒痒的作文儿    英文回答:    It's always fun to have a tickle fight with friends. It's a great way to bond and have a good laugh together. Whenever we have a tickle fight, we usually gat...


2024-04-05 16:00:38

【导语】英语故事会出现学⽣认识或是不认识的单词,⽽这个单词的重复不断出现,会加深同学们对单词的记忆,这种记忆不同于⼀般的死记硬背,⽽是在潜移默化中,让学⽣记住单词,并且不枯燥。以下是整理的《⼩学⼆年级英语⼩故事(三篇)》,希望帮助到您。【初冬的树】  Early in the morning into the opaque campus. The campus is so cold, f...


2024-04-05 15:56:06

同学玩挠痒痒作文    英文回答:    Playing the tickle game with my friends is always a lot of fun. We gather in someone's house or in the park, and take turns tickling each other until we can't...


2024-04-04 21:30:17

午饭后的操场写作文    英文回答:    After lunch, I usually go to the playground to get some fresh air and stretch my legs. It's a great way to relax and recharge for the rest of the day. The pla...


2024-04-04 21:29:12

聊聊课间10分钟作文stretch什么意思中文    英文回答:    During the 10-minute break between classes, I usually like to take a quick walk outside to get some fresh air and stretch my legs. It's a great...


2024-04-04 21:27:54

在沙滩上能干什么写作文    英文回答:    On the beach, there are plenty of activities to engage in and enjoy. One of my favorite things to do is to go for a swim in the refreshing ocean water. The...


2024-04-04 13:30:18

我与手机做朋友作文600字    英文回答:    My phone has become my close companion, an indispensable tool that I rely on daily. Its sleek design and user-friendly interface make it a pleasure to use...


2024-04-04 13:23:00

介绍手机作文说明文800html手机网站    英文回答:    Mobile phones have become an indispensable part of our daily lives. They are not only a means of communication, but also a tool for entertainment,...


2024-04-04 13:22:05

关于手机的作文1100字    手机在我们生活中扮演着越来越重要的角。它不仅仅是一个通讯工具,更是我们生活中不可或缺的一部分。我认为手机的作用远不止于此。    英文回答:    First of all, a smartphone allows me to stay connected with my friends and fami...


2024-04-04 13:21:14

研究调查手机作文400    英文回答:    I think that conducting a study on mobile phones is a great idea. Mobile phones have become an essential part of our daily lives, and it would be interestin...


2024-04-04 11:34:20

js获取数组的最后⼀个元素在js⾥⾯如何获取⼀个数组的最后⼀个元素呢?这⾥总结了两种⽅法,有需要的朋友可以看看。(1)js内置pop⽅法pop() ⽅法⽤于删除并返回数组的最后⼀个元素,注意这⾥在获取了数组的最后⼀个元素的同时也将原数组的最后⼀个元素给删除了。如果数组已经为空,则该⽅法不改变数组,并返回 undefined 值,如:jsarray删除元素<script>var args...


2024-04-04 08:17:21

it是什么行业名人的朋友圈作文600字    英文回答:    I have quite a diverse group of friends, but one of the most interesting is definitely my celebrity friends. It's not every day that you get to hang...


2024-04-03 22:28:05

春游作文英语80回信    I was thrilled to receive your letter inviting me to join the spring outing! It sounds like a wonderful opportunity to enjoy the beautiful weather and have some fun with friend...


2024-04-03 22:26:47

今天我得到15元作文400字初一join on是什么连接    英文回答:    As a first-year middle school student, receiving 15 yuan has brought me a mix of excitement and uncertainty. On the one hand, I am thrilled...


2024-04-03 22:26:20

突发奇想作文500字join on是什么连接    英文回答:    One day, I had a sudden idea to go on a road trip with my friends. We had been talking about it for a while, but we never actually planned it. So...


2024-04-03 20:49:58

张靓颖 - G大调的悲伤去年圣诞腾空的烟花刚好一场大雪也落下摊开寂寞手掌somewhere捧着冻得通红我滚烫的脸颊想起一辈子那句话转眼又是北京的炎夏什刹海又开满了荷花越过了旧砖墙那排法国梧桐多繁茂的枝桠听到一曲G大调巴哈四季风景在我的窗前悬挂人海涨落在我的心里变化流转的时光褪的过往岁月有着不动声的力量四季风景在我的窗前悬挂人海涨落在我的心里变化当曲终人散场我终于听懂G大调有多悲伤转眼又是北京的...


2024-04-03 20:16:35

未来生活的英语作文在日复一日的学习、工作或生活中,大家都经常看到作文的身影吧,写作文可以锻炼我们的独处习惯,让自己的心静下来,思考自己未来的方向。相信很多朋友都对写作文感到非常苦恼吧,下面是小编为大家收集的未来生活的英语作文(通用29篇),欢迎阅读与收藏。未来生活的英语作文 篇1In the future , people will have different life.Childen won’...


2024-04-03 14:40:14

英语作文记录上周末的生活英文版:Last weekend was quite enjoyable and relaxing for me. On Saturday morning, I slept in a little later than usual to catch up on some much-needed rest. After waking up, I made myself a d...


2024-04-02 18:28:11



2024-04-02 01:37:01

把相片,图片做成Flash  每次和朋友出去玩,都会拍摄很多照片。当和朋友分享这些照片时还要仔细挑选,然后打包分享给朋友。感觉挺麻烦的,后面想到把这些照片做成电子相册,要分享是把电子相册发出去就可以了。  今天就用《Wondershare Flash Gallery Factory》制作成电子相册。  软件介绍:这是一个专业的 Flash 相册制作工具,可以帮助你制作...


2024-04-01 20:05:32

你赞成手机自由吗作文    英文回答:    I am in favor of the freedom of mobile phones. In today's digital age, mobile phones have become an essential part of our daily lives. They provide us with c...


2024-04-01 19:40:34



2024-04-01 19:31:47

摘自中学生作文网  作者 佚名1、艺坛忘年两知己:傅雷(1908.4.7—1966.9.3)是我国杰出的翻译家。黄宾虹(1865年-1955)是我国著名的画家。他俩相识于20世纪20年代末,那时傅雷才20岁,而黄宾虹已是年近古稀之年。在后来出版的《傅雷书信选集》中收录的216封傅雷手书中,寄交黄宾虹的就有96封。更令人惊奇的是黄宾虹这位了不起的山水画大师,在长期不被人知后,如重见天日的稀...
