Imido ring content diamine and its production mann
专利名称:Imido ring content diamine and itsproduction manner发明人:玉井 正司,山口 桂三郎,杉本 賢一,田辺 良満,山口彰宏申请号:JP特願昭60-247120申请日:19851106reaction between pvp and amino公开号:JP特公平7-55928B2公开日:19950614专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:NEW...
Lesson1 A puma at largePumas are large, cat-like animals which are found in America. When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London, they were not...
本卷答案为73分,请大家注意!!非全对答案!1.《梁书•庾肩吾传》中言:“齐()中,文士王融、谢朓、沈约文章始用四声,以为新变。至是转拘声韵,弥尚丽靡,复逾于往时。” A. 建元 B. 永明 C. 永平 D. 永元答案:B. 永明2.西方学者之所以用“丝绸之路”这一名称代指古代中国与西方的交往路线,不仅由于丝绸是中国与西方进行大宗贸易的主要商品,更重要的原因是在古代希腊罗马文献记载中,一个因丝绸贸...