



2024-05-20 08:40:29

by Dennis Olivera complete list of all idiomscurrently in the collectionA:ace (verb)最好的朋友all right (3)and then some而且还远不至此antsy热锅上的蚂蚁般的,坐立不安的,心烦意乱的,烦躁的as easy as pie十分容易,极容易at the eleventh hou在最后时刻rB:...

do。once。 best造句简单

2024-05-20 06:33:21

do。once。 best造句简单1、The administration has not really thought through what it plans to do once the fighting stops.政府还没有真正充分考虑一旦战争结束它打算做什么。2、It must because of the sort of the thing we'd all love to do...


2024-05-20 06:04:36

大学里印象最深的事情英语作文600字左右全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1    The Biggest Mess I Ever Made    You probably think that going to college is all about studying really hard, going to lots of classes, and lea...

第三单元 课文翻译

2024-05-20 05:21:22

三、Help Yourself through the Hard Times1、Some years ago I had what most would call the American Dream: a thriving construction business, a comfortable home, two new cars and a sailboat. Moreover, I was...


2024-05-20 02:25:36

1.You make a living by what you get, but you make a life by what you give.(Winston Churchill)  我们靠所获得的东西生存。但靠给予来创造生活。2.The true perfection of man lies not only in what man has, but also in what...


2024-05-20 02:02:32

parties. Everybody admires him for his great sense of humour -- everybody, that is, except his six-year-old daughter, Jenny. Recently, one of Jeremy's closest friends asked him to make a speech at a w...


2024-05-19 23:38:38

  1、You know — one loves the sunset, when one is so sad…  你知道的——当一个人情绪低落的时候,他会格外喜欢看日落……  2、If someone loves a flower, of which just one single blossom grows in all t...


2024-05-19 20:32:11

小王子经典语录中英文版      1. You know — one loves the sunset, when one is so sad…          你知道的—当一个人情绪低落的时候,他会格外喜欢看日落……   2. If someone loves a flower, of which jus...


2024-05-19 17:38:51

1. a big headache令人头痛的事情  2. a fraction of 一部分  3. a matter of concern 焦点  4. a series of 一系列,一连串above all 首先,尤其是  5. absent from不在,缺席  6. abundant in富于  7. account for 解...

complain of 和 about的区别

2024-05-19 15:29:51

complain of 和 about的区别    以《complainofabout的区别》为标题,写一篇3000字的中文文章    在英语中,“complain of”和“complain about”都被广泛使用,有人会搞混它们的意思。只有了解它们之间的区别,才能避免使用不当的表达。但是,想知道这两个表达之间的区别是很有必要的,这将有助于提高我们英语说...


2024-05-19 15:26:24

写自己和家人此时此刻正在做的事情英语作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1    My Family at This Moment    Hi there! My name is Jamie and I'm 10 years old. I'm going to tell you all about what my family is up to right th...


2024-05-19 15:13:58

英语口语中模糊语的使用    你可能要问,为什么说话时要含糊其词?我们学英语不是要准确表达出自己的想法吗?     其实,模糊语是英语口语中的重要组成部分。你有没有遇到过这种情况:想不起事情发生的具体的时间,某人说过什么话或者这个人长什么样?     这些情况下,模糊语就起重要作用了,甚至可以"挽救'你!你要让别人听起来你知道你谈论的事情...

2021版英语名师讲练大一轮复习浙江专用人教版核心素养测评: 十二 必...

2024-05-19 13:43:43

温馨提示:此套题为Word版,请按住Ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适的观看比例,答案解析附后。关闭Word文档返回原板块。核心素养测评十二 必修3 Unit 2 Healthy eating(限时35分钟)sort of my superpowerⅠ. 阅读理解AAt schools across the United States, students often sit downto cafet...


2024-05-19 12:55:44

英语经典恐怖鬼故事附翻译在如今日益千篇一律的生活里,人们的生活节奏越来越快,人们需要感官上的刺激,于是便有了鬼故事这种文学消遣。下面店铺为大家带来英语经典鬼故事四篇附翻译,欢迎大家阅读!英语经典鬼故事:曾祖母的奇怪故事I love listening to my great-grandma's stories, so I didn't object when she started to tell...


2024-05-19 12:55:32

1.A strange thing happens to nearly everybody at night(英语阅读理解)A strange thing happens to nearly everybody at night. They turn off the lights, pull up the covers and close their eyes. Six or seven slee...

奇怪的事情 英语作文

2024-05-19 12:53:37

奇怪的事情 英语作文    The Strange Incident。    It was a typical Friday evening when the strange incident occurred. I was at home, relaxing after a long day at work, when I heard a loud noi...


2024-05-19 11:04:59

小时候有意思的事情英语作文    One of the funniest things that happened to me when I was little was when I tried to help my mom with the laundry. I remember seeing her put the clothes in the washing machi...


2024-05-19 11:01:31

1. 肖申克的救赎(Shawshank Redemption)Hope is a good thing and maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies.希望是一个好东西,也许是最好的东西,好东西是不会消亡的。2. 速度与激情(Fast & Furious)No matter where you are, whether i...

favourite things的中文

2024-05-19 10:56:51

favourite things的中文favourite things的中文是:最喜欢的事情例句:sort of things什么意思Peppa Pig has lots of favourite things.小猪佩琪有许多喜欢的事情。...

things to do翻译

2024-05-19 10:53:44

things to do翻译things to do英 /θɪŋz tu duː美 /[θɪŋz tu duː]要做的事情;要做的事;做些什么;做的事情;观光计划双语例句全部 要做的事情 要做的事 做的事情1. Make a list of things to do.列出一张所要做的事情的单子。sort of things什么意思2. Enter the things to do for the...


2024-05-19 10:52:29

生活简单的场景口语对话        Living for today not tomorrow 活在当下    Adam: Hi Sarah.    亚当:嗨,萨拉。    Sarah: Hi.    萨拉:嗨。    Adam: Today we're t...


2024-05-19 10:46:47

My mind is all, just a body attachment.头脑是我的一切,身体只是一个附件。(Human is small, and the work is everything. 人类是渺小的,工作才是一切)1. One should always look for a possible alternative and provide against it. It is th...


2024-05-19 10:46:09

英语演讲稿:只需专注10分钟  We live in an incredibly busy world. The pace of life is often frantic, our minds are always busy, and we're always doing something.  So with that in mind, I'd like you just...


2024-05-19 09:06:33

不可思议的英文是什么生活处处是惊喜,我们总是会遇见一些让人觉得不可思议的事情,你想知道不可思议的英文是什么吗?下面是店铺为你整理的不可思议的英文,希望大家喜欢!不可思议的英文inconceivable,不能想像的,不可思议的,难以置信的; 〈口〉难于相信的,惊人的;unimaginable,adj.难以想象的,想不到的; 不能想像;sort of等于什么inconceivable的常见例句1. U...


2024-05-19 00:39:10

react中的ref的3种⽅式react面试题ref概念2020-03-313react中ref的3种绑定⽅式⽅式1: string类型绑定类似于vue中的ref绑定⽅式,可以通过fs.绑定的ref的名字获取到节点dom注意的是这种⽅式已经不被最新版的react推荐使⽤,有可能会在未来版本中遗弃⽅式2: react.CreateRef()通过在class中使⽤ate...


2024-05-16 14:49:45



2024-05-16 14:48:45



2024-05-16 14:31:25



2024-05-16 14:19:29

四字成语什么什么之物    之欲其生,恶之欲其死 喜爱他时,总想叫他活着;讨厌他时,总想叫他死掉。    指极度地凭个人爱憎对待人。 安之若命 指人遭受的不幸看作命中注定,因而甘心承受。    安之若素 安:安然,坦然;之:代词,指人或物;素:平常。安然相处,和往常一样,不觉得有什么不合适。    卑之无甚高论 表示只...


2024-05-16 14:17:21

关于语文文言文中的成语解释  温故知新:温习旧的知识而得到新的认识和体会。也指重温历史可以认识现在。  (温故而知新,可以为师矣。《论语十则》)  不耻下问:不以向不如自己的人请教为耻。  (敏而好学,不耻下问,是以谓之文也。《论语十则》)  三人行必有我师:在一起行走的许多人中,必定有可以做我老师的。  (三人行,必有我师焉。《论语十则...
