



2024-03-07 09:57:16

中华文化概述重要文化遗产 major cultural heritage优秀民间艺术 outstanding folk art独特的艺术价值 unique artistic values诚实守信 honesty爱国主义精神 patriotism国宝 national treasure文物 cultural relics华夏祖先 the Chinese ancestors文人 scholar; th...


2024-03-07 09:52:11

11类翻译主题词汇中国文化概述重要文化遗产major cultural heritage优秀民间艺术outstanding follk arts独特的艺术价值unique artistic values诚实守信honesty爱国主义精神patriotism国宝national treasure文物cultural relics华夏祖先the Chinese ancestors文人men of le...


2024-03-07 09:50:45

翻译中的政治性词.科学发展观 the Outlook of Scientific Development2.倡导公正、合理的新秩序观 call for the establishment of a new just and equitable order 3.以平等互利为核心的新发展观 new thinking on development based on equality and mutual...


2024-03-07 09:44:14

⒈一些人出于冒险的动机,还有一些人是出于更适合于个人发展的价值观的目的。 others for adventurous motivation, and still others for the values that might more suit their own ideals ⒉而且带来了新思想、高科技,结果使这写国家生产力更强。but also in new ideas and high-...


2024-03-07 09:43:48

跨文化  部分要点翻译注:不是所有划出部分都翻译了。配套的有Chapter 2的翻译。P28  The Value of Cultural Stereotypes文化角定型的价值Culture dictates how people generally think and interact with each other in society. 文化造成人们的普遍怎么认为和在...


2024-03-07 09:40:50

文章一:The Intersection of Traditional and Modern Culture传统与现代文化的交集(157 words)Traditional culture and modern culture may seem like two separate entities, but they often intersect and influence each other...


2024-03-07 09:40:26

一、翻译类毕业论文选题 1.Study on Translation of Trade Marks and Culture 商标翻译与文化研究2.The Social and Cultural Factors in Translation Practice 影响翻译实践的社会和文化因素3.On the Translation of English Idioms 论英语习语的翻译4.Study on...


2024-03-07 09:40:14

关于儒家文化的英文文章Confucian culture is an important part of traditional Chinese culture and one of the mainstream cultures of ancient China. The core values of Confucianism are benevolence, righteousness, pr...


2024-03-07 09:32:10

values翻译rooted翻译翻译:rooted 意为“根深蒂固的”,也可以表示“有根基的”,“扎根的”。用法:rooted 多用于描述一个观点、信仰、习惯、文化等根深蒂固、不易动摇的状态。常用于形容人、组织、社会、文化等领域。双语例句:1. His love for his hometown is deeply rooted.他对家乡的热爱根深蒂固。2. The family's values...

高中英语 高考英语作文有关中国传统文化的范文4篇带中文翻译

2024-03-07 09:29:14

高中英语 高考英语作文有关中国传统文化的范文4篇带中文翻译当谈论中国传统文化时,以下是五篇关于中国传统文化的高中英语作文范文,同时附上了中文翻译:范文一:Chinese Traditional Festivals中国传统节日Chinese traditional festivals are an important part of our culture. These festivals are...


2024-03-07 09:26:20

高口翻译难度词汇1.科学发展观 the Outlook of Scientific Development2.倡导公正、合理的新秩序观 call for the establishment of a new just and equitable order3.以平等互利为核心的新发展观 new thinking on development based on equality and mutual...


2024-03-07 09:23:47

11类翻译主题词汇中国文化概述重要文化遗产 major cultural heritage优秀民间艺术 outstanding follk arts独特的艺术价值 unique artistic values诚实守信 honesty爱国主义精神 patriotism国宝 national treasure文物 cultural  relics华夏祖先 the Chinese ancest...

chinese red英语作文

2024-03-07 09:21:52

Chinese red的英语作文和翻译Chinese Red is a unique color that represents the rich and vibrant culture of China. It is a symbol of the country's history, values, and traditions. The color red has been an impor...


2024-03-07 09:20:40

中华文明绵延数千年,有其独特的价值体系。中华优秀传统文化已经成为中华民族的基因,植根在中国人内心,潜移默化影响着中国人的思想方式和行为方式。Chinese civilization has formed a unique value system over several millennia. The brilliant traditional Chinese culture is the ess...


2024-03-07 09:19:28

The impact of globalization on cultural diversity全球化对文化多样性的影响Globalization has had a significant impact on cultural diversity around the world. On the one hand, it has led to increased awareness and e...

高中英语 高考英语作文有关中国传统文化的范文5篇带中文翻译

2024-03-07 09:18:03

高中英语 高考英语作文有关中国传统文化的范文5篇带中文翻译以下是五篇有关中国传统文化的高考英语作文范文,附有中文翻译:范文一:Chinese Traditional Culture中国传统文化China has a rich and profound traditional culture that has been passed down for thousands of years. It e...


2024-03-07 09:17:51

企业文化用语英文翻译实用标准文本企业文化是指一家企业所倡导和遵循的价值观、行为准则、工作方式和组织氛围。它是企业的精神和灵魂,对于塑造企业形象、提升员工凝聚力和推动企业发展具有重要作用。在国际化的商业环境中,英文成为了企业交流的主要语言,因此,将企业文化用语翻译成英文是非常必要的。以下是一些常见的企业文化用语的英文翻译,供您参考:1. 使命和愿景 (Mission and Vision) ...


2024-03-07 09:11:25

1.科学发展观 the Outlook of Scientific Development2.倡导公正、合理的新秩序观 call for the establishment of a new just and equitable order 3.以平等互利为核心的新发展观 new thinking on development based on equality and mutual benefi...


2024-03-07 09:10:16

1.科学发展观 the Outlook of Scientific Development2.倡导公正、合理的新秩序观 call for the establishment of a new just and equitable order 3.以平等互利为核心的新发展观 new thinking on development based on equality and mutual benefi...

英语 中高级口译 专业术语 中英翻译对照

2024-03-07 09:09:07

1.科学发展观 the Outlook of Scientific Development(也有一说outlook 应为conception,有兴趣自己去查字典了解了解两词的区别2.倡导公正、合理的新秩序观 call for the establishment of a new just and equitable order 3.以平等互利为核心的新发展观 new thinking on dev...


2024-03-07 09:04:47

1.科学发展观 the Outlook of Scientific Development2.倡导公正、合理的新秩序观 call for the establishment of a new just and equitable order 3.以平等互利为核心的新发展观 new thinking on development based on equality and mutual benefi...


2024-03-07 09:02:31

1.科学发展观 the Outlook of Scientific Development(也有一说outlook 应为conception,有兴趣自己去查字典了解了解两词的区别【谢谢方雪梅同学的讨论】)2.倡导公正、合理的新秩序观 call for the establishment of a new just and equitable order 3.以平等互利为核心的新发展观 new th...


2024-03-07 08:51:53

关于学习西方文化的见解,看法,想法,学到了什么,英文版The culture of France and of the French people has been shaped by geography, by profound historical events, and by foreign and internal forces and groups. France, and in par...

跨文化交际 unit1~6 课后translation中英对照

2024-03-07 08:42:10

Unit 1 Page 22The growth of intercultural communication as a field of study is based on a view of history that ...


2024-03-06 19:51:27

082《名家名作》·翻译[摘  要] 全球化背景下,各国的频繁交流为外宣翻译带来了更多机遇与挑战。从传播学的角度出发,分析外宣特点,探讨外宣文本翻译策略,指出译者在翻译过程中需充分发挥原文信息传播“把关人”的作用,灵活选择不同的翻译策略,翻译过程中需对原文文本进行适当的删减、补充、过滤和加工,从而达到最佳的传播效果。[关  键  词] 传播学;外宣翻译;传播效果传播学...


2024-03-06 19:47:15

中国文化如同围棋(go game),游戏规则简单明了,几下子就可以解释清楚,但真正玩起来后才逐渐领略到其中的奥妙。中文也是如此,表面看来中文没有动词变化(formal conjugation of verbs),也没有阴性、阳性词汇及单复数(inflections in gender and number)。讲述任何发生的事,只需冠上相应的时间副词即可,如刚才、昨天、明天等等。这让初学汉语的西方人...


2024-03-06 19:32:18

 英语介绍夫子庙英语介绍夫子庙如下:The Confucius Temple, also known as the Fuzimiao, is a famous historical and cultural landmark in Nanjing, China. Originally built in the year 1034 during the Song Dynasty, the...


2024-03-06 12:53:37

坚持以人为本,建设具有鲁银特的企业文化作者:刘琴来源:《现代经济信息》2014年第14期        摘要:近年来,鲁银集团坚持以人为本,积极搭建共享平台,探索企业文化建设的方法途径,注重以先进文化塑造人、以愿景目标激励人、以形势政策引导人、以特活动吸引人、以先进典型感召人、以解决切身利益满足人,公司上下齐心协力,心往一处想,劲往一处使,积极打造企业核...


2024-03-06 12:29:54

企业文化建设在企业中的作用分析作者:冀敏来源:《企业文化》2018年第36期        摘要:一个企业要想良好且持续发展离不开企业文化的建设,企业文化建设关系到企业在市场经济的洪流中长久不衰的立足下去。企业管理工作中离不开企业文化的建设,企业文化是一个企业的灵魂和核心所在。本文企业文化的管理、企业文化在企业中的用途以及企业文化发展的方向做粗略分析。&nb...

倾注情感建设文化 助推企业科学发展

2024-03-06 12:29:19

倾注情感建设文化  助推企业科学发展企业文化,对外是一面旗帜,对内是一种动力。冀东油田在企业文化建设中,秉承“我为祖国献石油”的神圣使命,注重注入情感,把员工的价值取向和行为规范统一到企业本质上来,推进员工思想观念的转变,增强企业的凝聚力和团队精神,发扬“有第一就争”的拼搏精神,倾力倾情科学发展,快乐工作幸福生活,树立良好的企业外部形象,形成与市场经济相适应、与油田经济发展相协调,具有冀...
