get sb out of trouble造句
get sb out of trouble造句 1.我帮他想了一个好主意,成功地把他从麻烦中解救出来了:I came up with a great idea to get him out of trouble and it worked. 2. 他的朋友不想看他落得不好的下场,于是想尽办法帮他脱离困境:His friends didn't wa...
get sb out of trouble造句 1.我帮他想了一个好主意,成功地把他从麻烦中解救出来了:I came up with a great idea to get him out of trouble and it worked. 2. 他的朋友不想看他落得不好的下场,于是想尽办法帮他脱离困境:His friends didn't wa...