英语演讲稿:只需专注10分钟 We live in an incredibly busy world. The pace of life is often frantic, our minds are always busy, and we're always doing something. So with that in mind, I'd like you just...
TE D⼀切只需10分钟的专注We live in an incredibly busy world. The pace of life is often frantic, our minds are always busy, and we're always doing something.我们⽣活在⼀个异常纷杂的世界。 ⽣活的步调时常快得疯狂,我们的头脑(⼼灵)⼀直忙碌运转着, ⽽我们每时每刻...
《痊愈的本能》与情绪的自我调节"我们的身体跟大自然一样,具有自我痊愈的本能,它需要人们去了解和发掘。" 这是大卫·赛尔旺-施莱伯在《痊愈的本能》一书中的关键句子。如果我们假定人是地球自然产生的物种,而非外星泊来客,那么越自然的生活方式越适应人类生命的发展延续。大自然本身有一种自我净化恒定的功能,生态平衡,物物利用,碳循环,光化作用,热熵定理,没有什么是多余的废物。人的本能中也有一种像大自然自我净化...
气息归元名词解释(二)气息归元名词解释1. 气息•解释: 指生物体呼吸产生的气体排放。•例子: 人类通过呼吸产生二氧化碳,这是一种气息。2. 归元•解释: 指回归元始,追溯事物最初的状态或原点。•例子: 在传统医学中,归元可以表示追求人体健康的原初状态,通过调理气息等达到平衡与健康。3. 气息归元•解释: 指将气息回归至元始,即调整和平衡生物体呼吸产生的气体排放,以促进身心健康。•例子: 瑜伽修行...
关于秋天的英语作文瑜伽和冥想(中英文翻译)Autumn, also known as fall, is a season of change and transition. It is a time when nature begins to prepare for the cold winter ahead. The beauty of the autumn season can be appr...
method英语列举一种冥想方法英语作文One meditation method is called mindfulness meditation. In this form of meditation, the individual focuses on the present moment and becomes fully aware of their thoughts, feelings...
“Meditation brings wisdom; lack of meditation leaves ignorance. Know well what leads you forward and what holds you back, and choose the path that leads to wisdom。” –Buddha佛陀说,“冥想带来智慧,不冥想则无知。清楚知道引导和阻止...