欣慰的作文500字左右 英文回答: I feel very relieved when things work out the way I hoped. For example, last week I was worried about a big presentation at work. I had prepared for it for...
欣慰写一篇作文,650字 英文回答: I feel relieved when I successfully complete a task or achieve a goal. The sense of relief comes from the fact that I have overcome obstacles and accomplis...
令我欣慰作文600字 英文回答: I feel relieved when I see my loved ones safe and happy. The feeling of relief washes over me when I know that they are well and content. It brings me a sens...
relieved是什么意思欣慰作文450个字 英文回答: I feel relieved when I accomplish something that I have been working hard on. For example, when I finish a difficult project at work or complete...
欣慰的造句是什么 欣慰怎么造句欣慰的意思是指喜悦而宽慰。就是指自己所教导的人的表现让自己的心里感到宽慰。下面由小编给大家带来欣慰的造句,一起来看看吧!欣慰的造句看到儿子平安地回来了,她感到特别欣慰。儿子考上了大学,父亲的脸上露出了欣慰的笑容。看到照片里英姿飒爽的哥哥,妈妈欣慰地笑了。看到我们取得的成绩,老师脸上露出了欣慰的笑容。每每想起我们之间纯洁的友谊,我都感到无比欣慰。小龙对知识如饥似渴地渴求...