生活中的小意外英语作文100字 英文回答: Unexpected events are a part of life, and they can often be the most memorable. They can be anything from a minor inconvenience to a major life-changing...
“不可抗力”的四种翻译,哪种最合适?谈到“不可抗力”这一法律术语,我们需要了解的大概有4个词或词组,分别是英文:act of God,法文:Force Majeure,以及拉丁文:vis major,它们通常均被翻译为“不可抗力”;还有一个相关的英文单词叫contingency,本来指“突发事件,意外事件”,但在实践应用中,也常与不可抗力条款混用。Force Majeure的字面意思是“超级力量”...
意外的什么800字作文 英文回答: An unexpected event can be defined as an occurrence that happens without any prior warning or preparation. It can be either positive or negative, and it can...