【组词大全】靠组词_靠的拼音含义_组词造句解释_靠字的组词 一、靠组词 【精选组词列表】:求靠、凭靠、老靠、靠臂、主靠、捱靠、挨靠、央靠、衣靠、椅靠、扎靠、傍靠、锁靠、投靠、停靠、贴靠、靠身、靠手、靠子、靠把、靠泊、靠傍、靠边、靠后、挂靠、靠托、靠常、靠实、靠拢、...
用英语动词三单加动词造句家人My mother likes to laugh. She smiles beautifully. She is like a diligent gardener, who takes pains to cultivate me. My mother worries about me, works hard for me, and constantly encourag...
2019年河北省中考英语试卷 题号IIIIIIIVVVIVIIVIII总分得分一、单选题(本大题共10小题,共10.0分)clothes造句1.---My ruler is broken. Can I borrow_________? ---Of course. Here it is.(...
五年级词汇表 (第九册)Module 1四会单词:1. year----年 2. before-----以前 3. now----现在4. playground------操场 5. different-----不同的 &...
七年级(上)期末英语试卷 题号IIIIIIIVVVIVIIVIIIIX总分得分一、单选题(本大题共8小题,共8.0分)1.We usually have PE___ Mondayclothes造句.( )A. in B. at ...
用l prefer造句定语从句
用l prefer造句定语从句1. I prefer movies that have a happy ending.2. She prefers music that is soothing and relaxing.3. He prefers books that are filled with suspense and mystery.4. We prefer restaurants tha...
be passionate about造句 -回复
be passionate about造句 -回复1. She is passionate about environmental conservation and volunteers regularly for clean-up initiatives.2. He is passionate about photography and spends hours capturing breath...
forge+to+动词原形造句1、Flowers do not forget to return to the sun,with colorful flowers to reflect the splendor of the sun.2、All say,to cherish,is only a side,turn around and hurt. All say,who is to be grat...
take up too much room造句
这里有一些使用“take up too much room”造句的例子:“The oversized sofa in the living room takes up too much room, leaving little space for other furniture.”“I'm reluctant to buy that bulky exercise equipment because...
用putinto造句 -回复
clothes造句用putinto造句 -回复1. I put my sunglasses into the beach bag before leaving for a day at the beach.2. The chef put the spices into the boiling pot of soup to enhance its flavor.3. She put the newl...
九年级英语关于环境污染的造句 if we don't save water, the last drop of water will be our tear. 环境污染是当今世界上最大的问题。请根据提示,用自己的话说说怎样保护我们的水资源。 (1) 生命有赖于水资源 (2) 饮用水在增加 (3) 水污染轻微(4) 必须维...
慧思巧用 激发造句潜能
慧思巧用 激发造句潜能作者:李锦玲来源:《学校教育研究》2017年第03期 一、造句在英语课堂中的实践 (一)口头造句,激发学生说的欲望 1.常规造句——有利于学生对课文的理解与消化 ...
saysorrytosb造句 -回复
saysorrytosb造句 -回复1. I want to say sorry to her for forgetting her birthday. 2. He says sorry to his parents for not doing well in school.3. She always says sorry to her friend for being late to their...
grown-up造句"Grown-up" 是一个形容词,意思是“成年人的”或“成熟的”。以下是一些使用 "grown-up" 造句的例子:1. She acts like a grown-up even though she's only 16.意思:尽管她只有 16 岁,但她的行为像个成年人。2. He finally grew up and became responsible.意思:他终于成...
lay out摆开造句
lay out摆开造句1. He carefully laid out the tools he would need for the project.2. The designer laid out the plans for the new building.3. She laid out all of her clothes on the bed before deciding what t...
it is used for怎么造句简单 -回复
it is used for怎么造句简单 -回复1. I have this tool in my kitchen, but I am not exactly sure what it is used for. 2. This device has multiple functions and it is used for different purposes. 3. It is used for...
fuss over造句不要太担心成绩
fuss over造句不要太担心成绩1. Don't fuss over your grades too much; just do your best and the results will come.2. She tends to fuss over the littlest things, making a big deal out of nothing.3. He fussed over...
二年级英语下册造句练习Unit 1: Daily Routines1. I wake up at 7 o'clock every morning.2. My mom makes breakfast for me before I go to school.3. I brush my teeth and wash my face after I finish breakfast.4. I put o...
cold造句简单二年级摘要:1.冷(cold)的基本含义和词性 2.二年级学生的造句要求 clothes造句3.构建简单的例句 4.鼓励孩子多用“冷”这个词汇进行造句正文:“冷”是一个英文单词,它的基本含义是温度低,与“热”(hot)相对。这个词可以用来描述物体、环境或者人体的感觉。作为二年级的学生,他们需要学习和掌握一些基础的英语词汇,以便更好地进行英语表达。...
have trouble in doing sth 造句 -回复
clothes造句have trouble in doing sth 造句 -回复1. I have trouble in doing math problems. 2. She has trouble in doing her makeup perfectly. 3. They have trouble in doing their chores on time. 4. He has troub...
ash造句 -回复
ash造句 -回复1. The volcanic eruption sent a large cloud of ash into the sky.2. I couldn't see clearly through the window due to the ash from the nearby fire.3. After the fire, the entire area was covered...
loose造句 -回复
loose造句 -回复1. My shoelace is loose, and I need to tighten it before I trip.2. The screw is loose, causing the chair to wobble.3. She tied her hair in a loose bun to keep it out of her face.clothes造句4....
junk的造句 -回复
junk的造句 -回复1. I can't believe you ate that junk food; it's so unhealthy!2. The kids found an old abandoned car in the junkyard.3. My grandmother loves collecting antiques, even if some people consider...
fold名词造句1. She carefully placed her clothes in neat folds in the suitcase.2. The origami artist created intricate folds in the paper to form a swan.clothes造句3. The map had been folded so many times th...
用shop不及物动词造句1. She shops online for new clothes every weekend.2. My mother shops for groceries every day.3. I shopped around before choosing the best price.4. He shops at the farmer's market for...
show off造句
clothes造句show off造句1. She likes to show off her new car to her friends.2. He always wears his designer clothes to show off his wealth.3. The magician loves to show off his card tricks in public.4. She...
bepackedwith造句 -回复
bepackedwith造句 -回复1. The suitcase was be packed with clothes for the trip.2. The grocery bag was be packed with fresh fruits and vegetables.3. The box was be packed with fragile items.clothes造句4. The...
用put on造句
好的,以下是几个用 "put on" 造句的例子:1. Every morning, I put on my glasses and then I can see clearly.2. It's getting colder outside, please put on more clothes to keep warm.3. In order to perform well on stage,...
他在树的中间造句英语造句四年级1. The trunk of the cypress is straight and straight without any bending. The branches and leaves are dense and thick. The sharp top of the tree inserts into the white sky.2. Sunflower...